Over the last few decades, many people have come to associate the term “biopharmaceutical” with high-tech, futuristic medical treatments. As a result, it has become something of a buzz word in the pharmaceutical industry. But what does the term actually mean? Let’s break it down.
Biopharmaceuticals, also called biologics, are drug products that are manufactured using biological sources. There are a few major classes of biopharma products, including the following:
- Extracted: Biologics extracted directly from living systems (of either animals or humans) are the oldest form of biopharmaceuticals. Whole blood, organ and tissue transplants, breast milk, antibodies for passive immunity, fecal microbiota, human reproductive cells, and stem-cell therapy are all examples of this type of biologic.
- Semi-Synthesized: Though the term “biologic” is accurate for the extracted materials listed above, it is more often used to describe therapeutics that are produced with recombinant DNA technology. Hormones (such as insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone, to name a few) are produced by recombinant DNA, as are blood factors, thrombolytic agents, interferons, monoclonal antibodies, therapeutic enzymes, and more.
- Vaccines: Vaccines, many of which are grown in tissue cultures, use microorganisms to provide immunity for specific diseases, and are one of the most wide-spread types of biopharma products.
- Gene Therapy: Gene therapy is a biologic treatment that involves manipulating a virus to carry a certain, desirable piece of genetic material which can then target a patient’s cells.
As biopharma technology progresses, becoming both more prevalent and available, the need for high-quality biopharma packaging increases. That’s where Tjoapack US comes in. We offer a variety of packaging services, including vial and ampule labeling, pharmaceutical kit assembly, and more.
For more information on our biologics packaging options, contact us today at (865) 494-6000 or send an email to marcelo.cruz@tjoapack.com.